Prices and plot sizes for both cemeteries are:
Single plot $400.00 (5' x 10')
Double plot $600.00 (10' x 10')
Four plot $800.00 (20' x 10')
Eight plot $1200.00 (20' x 20')
A one-time fee of $30 is added to this amount to cover the cost of preparing and recording the cemetery deed with the Gulf County Clerk of Court.
Before a vault can be placed in the ground, the City must locate and mark the plot being used.
Bottom row, Level D, $1,395.00 per crypt
Second row, Level C, $1,495.00 per crypt
Third row, Level B, $1,595.00 per crypt
Top row, Level A, $1,295.00 per crypt
These prices to not include the $595 to cover the cost of the brass name plate, vase holder ring and vase.
Perpetual Care
Single Plots $525.00
Double Plots $1,025.00