Your City Government
The City Council in Port St. Joe is a legislative body that passes policy, approves annual municipal budgets, establishes tax rates and passes Ordinances and Resolutions to govern the City. This form of government is referred to as Commission-Manager Plan.
The Commission is made up of four Commissioners and a Commissioner-Mayor. The Commissioners and Mayor are elected at large in the City and serve terms of two years. The Commissioners appoint the Mayor Protempore to preside in the absence of the Mayor. The City Commission appoints a City Manager who serves as the administrative head of the Municipal Government and under the supervision and discretion of the City Commission.
The City Commission meets in a formal session at 12:00 P.M. EST on the first and third Tuesday of each month. All Commission meetings are held in the Ward Ridge Building at 2775 Garrison Avenue. All City meetings are open to the public with the exception of certain legal matters. The City Primary election is held the second Tuesday in May.