Your City's Water & Wastewater Department
Larry McClamma | Surface Water Treatment Plant Manager License: Water A, Wastewater B
Kevin Pettis | Wastewater Plant Manager, Operator: Wastewater B |
Contact Information:
The Department is located at 455 Industrial Road and open Monday thru Friday between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00pm. The phone number during regular work hours is 850-229-6395 or 850-229-6390 and on holidays or weekends 850-229-1421.
Surface Water Treatment Plant
The City of Port St. Joe is extremely fortunate to have a new state of the art, $21 million dollar Surface Water Treatment Plant that was placed into operation in September of 2009. Your new Water Plant draws water from the Chipola River via a seventeen mile freshwater canal where as the old water plant drew water from the Florida Aquifer by means of deep wells. Surface water and aquifer water have different chemical properties and therefore react differently with the 26 miles of iron and galvanized pipes in our distribution system. This chemical reaction of surface water to our existing pipes has resulted in the City developing a long range plan to replace the antiquated water distribution system with $8 million of new piping. The new water treatment plant is capable of producing 6 million gallons of potable water a day which will enable the City to meet the demands of future development and expansion.
Boil Water Notice
Occasionally the City may have to issue a Boil Water Notice (BWN) as a result of an emergency such as a broken water line or other event which may pose a public health hazard. They are issued as a precautionary measure to protect public health and can be issued in several ways. In small events involving less than 50 residents, individual door hangers are taped to residences and businesses giving citizens detailed information on the event. If larger geographic area is affected a CODE RED telephone message is sent out as well as a public announcements over the local TV and radio stations. When the BWN is issued and the water service has been restored water samples are collected and tested for the presence of bacteria. Once the sample results show NO bacteria are present, the BWN is rescinded and the affected area is notified that the water is safe to drink and boiling of water is no longer required.
Water Conservation
The City of Port St. Joe promotes Water Conversation and encourages all citizens to do the same. Not only is water a precious commodity but for every drop you save thru conservation that is one less you have to pay for.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
The city processes all waste water to secondary drinking water standards and sends it to our 78 acre spray field located behind Highland View. We have utilized solar energy powered equipment to maintain our lagoon. Our process is an all-natural process to maintain a "green" environmental footprint.