Code RED Emergency Notification System

Stay informed! Sign Up for CodeRED.

The City of Port St. Joe has instituted the Code RED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the City in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices).

It then delivers our recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number. This system will only be used for emergency purposes.

Examples of times when the CodeRED system could be utilized:
  • Drinking water contamination
  • Utility outage
  • Evacuation notice & route
  • Missing person
  • Fires or Floods
  • Bomb threat
  • Hostage situation
  • Chemical spill or Gas leak
  • Other emergency incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential for life safety

After you sign up, make sure to add the following numbers to your caller ID:
Things to Know About CodeRED:
  • CodeRED delivers notifications by phone calls to landlines and cell phones, emails, texts, social media, and/or mobile alerts.
  • CodeRED is compatible with TDD/TTY devices for those with hearing impairments.
  • Individuals and businesses may add as many phone numbers, emails and texts numbers as they would like.
  • There is no charge to register for or use CodeRED and your personal information will be kept confidential.

CodeRED Mobile Alert App:

Residents and visitors alike can receive enhanced public safety alerts no matter where you are located via the CodeRED Mobile Alert app - a free public safety app for both Android and iPhone users. The CodeRED Mobile Alert app delivers community and emergency alerts to individuals targeted within an impacted geographical area so that you may also receive timely notifications when you're on the road, away from home.

If you are currently a CodeRED subscriber that has already registered your mobile phone to receive notifications from Port St. Joe, you will continue to receive calls. However, if you download the CodeRED Mobile Alert app, you will also be able to receive alerts via your smartphone anywhere in the country, including Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska.

To download the free CodeRED Mobile Alert app, visit the Google Play or iTunes store.
